Exploring Shared Cultural Heritage in the Border Region of Serbia, Romania, and Hungary. Funded by Erasmus+ Blended Intensive Programme (BIP)
The political borders of nation-states often do not perfectly align with the distribution of ethnic and religious groups. In Europe, known for its rich tapestry of ethnic, religious, and linguistic diversity, and where borders have frequently shifted over the past century, such mismatches are particularly common. But what happens to the cultural heritage of communities excluded by redrawn national borders? Or in more complex scenarios, where multiple groups with competing claims share a space that has experienced shifting balances of power? Cultural heritage often predates political borders, reflecting the shared history of communities that coexisted in the same space. Changes in politics, society, and culture can significantly affect the preservation and reinterpretation of such heritage. While some regions eventually achieve cooperation despite divisions, this process requires time, effort, and mutual understanding, with success never being guaranteed. The past century demonstrates that the fate of shared or „left-behind” cultural heritage is shaped by unique circumstances, often driven by internal community conflicts and external political pressures.
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